3 Ways to Stop the Fighting and Start Focusing on What Matters

It’s normal for the pressures of running a business to leave us feeling like the best way to succeed is to fight for our businesses and ourselves. This includes fighting against the competition, fighting our vendors, fighting our employees, fighting our investors, fighting our board members and even fighting against our own clients or customers.

Driven people are so focused on their goal, that fighting against anyone or anything in our way is second nature. But the one thing that some driven people forget is that among all that turmoil, their job is to provide for other people. Without employees, vendors, and investors, we couldn’t provide for our customers and without customers, we would have no one to provide for.

While it’s important for business owners and leaders to have a natural fire in their bellies and a drive to achieve at any cost, it’s equally important to take a few minutes on a regular basis for reflection. Perhaps you will make this part of your holiday or vacation routine or maybe you’ll do this for an hour one Sunday per month. To help you get started, consider incorporating the following 3 practices:

Read more here.


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