Is Information Overload Killing Your Productivity?

Nowadays, there’s pretty much nothing we can’t look up in an instant: where to have dinner, your friend’s relationship status, the average income of other professionals in your field.

The internet, social media and other forms of technology are a convenient way to access information, but more often than not, they are overloading our brains with more than we can process in one day.

On the surface, it seems that this kind of one-click access would make us smarter and more productive. But in reality, the data deluge is having the opposite effect causing a loss in productivity and motivation. According to a LexisNexis International Workplace Productivity Survey, “a majority of workers in every market (62%, on average) admit that the quality of their work suffers at times because they can’t sort through the information they need fast enough.”

The first step to sorting through all the noise and becoming a more efficient worker is to realize...

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