Struggling To Find A Job? A Low Level Of Occuprenuer®️-ism Might Be To Blame

If you're a job seeker who has been looking for new employment for months or even years and you find yourself paralyzed by high frustration and few new ideas, then, like millions of others, you might be suffering from low levels of OCCUPRENEUR™-ISM. The job market has permanently changed and it's time we make adjustments to stay ahead of the curve. In today's competitive world, we must start looking for career opportunities and leave the job seeking behind. However, the good news is that you can stop being your own worst enemy and start taking action today, as the Occupreneur that you are, and help yourself find the next great opportunity. An OCCUPRENEUR™ is someone who manages his or her career as an Entrepreneur would manage his or her business. The main difference between an Occupreneur™ and an Entrepreneur is that an Entrepreneur is self-employed while an Occupreneur is employed by someone else. Or at least that should be the main difference in approach. Unfortunately, the common thread that differentiates employees from Entrepreneurs is that many employees see limits to their upside potential, while Entrepreneurs see the sky as the limit. However, there are a few things that you can do to make a significant impact in your career and start approaching yours as the Occupreneur that you are.

First, recognize what you have to offer, who is your target clientele (or employer) and how what you have to offer is unique from others. This is a very important first step and it helps you understand your purpose (or mission) and your personal brand. Keep this simple. Many people get caught up in the "right way" to brand themselves. Branding is nothing more than a snapshot of your personal & professional profile.

Next, create business cards for yourself. Then get out into the 3D world and start networking. There are websites where you can create and order business cards either for free or for a low fee. Being unemployed is not an excuse for not having them. They are most effective when attending networking events or when you meet someone in your daily travels who might be able to lead you to a great opportunity.  While applying for jobs online is the new normal, meeting in-person or attending events where you might meet new people remains the most effective way to find solid employment. Unlike applying into a black hole, this method puts you in the driver's seat for managing your own success as an Occupreneur.

Finally, while you are seeking a full-time employment opportunity, you should be doing something every day besides sitting in front of your home computer. Have you considered some freelance work? Most people are fearful of the freelance route for fear of being essentially self-employed, but the number of these opportunities is growing and once you get started you might even find that you enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. This does not mean you have to stop looking for a full-time gig, but keeping busy and involved is a good way to avoid feeling stuck.


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