Why Employers Should Promote a Culture of Occupreneurship

I have been asked many times, especially when working with executives, “Why would I want my staff to be Occupreneurs? Won’t that put my company at risk of having high turnover?”

My answer is always the same.

Do you want the best people or not?

Implementing The Occupreneur® Approach within your organization and encouraging your staff to own their careers in an entrepreneurial way benefits them individually, but it also and crucially greatly benefits you, your organization, and your clients and customers in these four ways:

1.     Occupreneurs take pride in their work in a way that other employees do not. One of the main principles of The Occupreneur® Approach is owning your career like entrepreneurs own their businesses. Like entrepreneurs, Occupreneurs take a great deal of pride in their work because they think of themselves and the services they provide to their best client (you) as a business in and of itself. Essentially, they work as a service provider to you, like a consultant, and their job is to understand what your needs are, what you expect of them, and then how they can provide a service to fulfill that need and expectation. Because of this mentality, client satisfaction (your satisfaction, since they treat you like their client) is of the utmost importance to them.

2.     Occupreneurs have a roll-up-their-sleeves attitude, doing what is necessary to get the job done, even if that means having to do work that other employees would either just not do or would delegate. It’s very common that most employees, especially as they move up the corporate ladder, feel that they’ve paid their dues and no longer need to do jobs that they once did and are happy they no longer have to. But sometimes, it’s necessary to perform those tasks in the absence of an available colleague or subordinate to do it. Often, employees would spend time complaining about this situation or would just ignore its necessity -- anything not to do something they might now feel is beneath them. Occupreneurs do not have this mentality. Like one of my recent clients who started his own business after many years in executive roles, Occupreneurs do whatever they have to do to make sure the client is serviced to their satisfaction.

3.     Occupreneurs are naturally leaders. Because of their ownership mentality, they approach everyone as if they were their partner, meaning they approach everyone as if they were a client. In fact, when using this approach, you are considered their best client. In their interactions, Occupreneurs assess what the needs are of those around them and then figure out how they can help. They are also encouraging of others and cheer on the successes of those around them. Because of this, Occupreneurs are sought out by their colleagues, managers, and direct reports as the go-to person for solving problems, brainstorming solutions and getting the job done. And, as managers, they lead by example and they also lead from behind.

4.     Occupreneurs only stick around as long as the relationship is working, but don’t overstay their welcome. Another question I ask my executive clients in response to their initial question is, “Do you want a staff full of employees who are no longer serving your business?” Their answers are always, as you can imagine, “No!” Occupreneurs know when they are no longer providing value to their client (you) and will either try to adjust their approach to their work or will recognize that the relationship may be coming to an end. If the latter, because they are in constant communication with you as their client to make sure they understand your needs and expectations, chances are, for you, the feeling is mutual.


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