Why You Can’t Replace Face Time With Social Media

Social media has infiltrated many facets of our lives, but when it comes to landing a job or career advancement, nothing beats in-person networking. Too many professionals rely on social media, instant messaging and email as replacements for human interaction and connection in the office and during the job hunt. While online networking can be efficient with establishing initial and then maintaining regular contact with potential employers, without actual face time, a social-media only relationship will lead to professional dead ends.

No one wants to hire based on just a resume or an online profile. When organizations are looking to promote from within, leaders are more likely to consider an employee they just chatted with at a company picnic than one who stays confided in a cubicle. A case of office politics? Maybe, but people prefer to hire and promote those they trust before strangers whose online profiles or correspondence can be staged or orchestrated.

However, face time is more than just a professional 'must do.' It's an opportunity. Here's why:

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